Human Nutrition And Health

In human nutrition and health, products for:

– Boosting liver and drainage
– Urinary comfort
– Bloodstream
– Flexibility and joints
– Elimination and digestion
– Slimming
– Muscular Comfort
– Antiaging
– Hearing / Vision
– Emotional Balance and Serenity
– Energy and Dynamism
– Natural defences
– Sleeping well
– Never tired again
– Stimulant
– Intimate Life
– Beauty


Our dietary supplements are developed by the best nutritionists in France and follow the following regulations and conditions:


DRI: Dietary reference Intakes


Our products are developed in France by a group of experts from the National Food Safety Agency (NFSA). They are dedicated to specific groups: children of different ages, adult women, adult men, pregnant women, the elderly, etc., as needs differ depending on the situation. A significant margin of safety is applied, which means that a person who does not reach the recommended nutritional intakes does not run any risk. Nutritional intakes are therefore a reference for professionals and nutritionists as well, but they are not intended for use by the general public.


RDC: Recommended Daily Contributions


Our products have been requalified; we are now talking about Nutrient Reference Values (NRV).


NRV: Nutrient Reference Values


These are values defined by the European Food Safety Agency (EFSA), which reflect an average daily need. Manufacturers must refer to those Values on their packaging. Advantage: there are the same references in the whole European Union and each nutrient is linked to a single value. But the needs are so different depending on the case that these average values are not always appropriate for specific populations such as young children, pregnant women, or persons over 75 years of age.

Our products are issued from:

Organic Agriculture

They receive:

EcoCert accreditation

And also other quality commitments depending on the type of products:
A common quality also:

French Origin